Celestin Apprentice 7
Clean 1.2.4
IO Examples
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Text File
140 lines
module LifeGameExample
// This is the version of the LifeGame program written in Clean 1.2 for I/O system 0.8
import StdEnv, deltaEventIO, deltaMenu, deltaWindow, deltaTimer
import Life
:: *State = {gen::Generation, size::CellSize}
:: *IO :== IOState State
Start :: *World -> *World
Start world
# (events,world) = OpenEvents world
(_,events) = StartIO [window, timer, menus] start_state init_io events
world = CloseEvents events world
= world
start_state = {gen=MakeGeneration, size=StartCellSize}
init_io = [\s io->(s,DrawInWindow WindowID [SetBackColour BlackColour] io)]
window = WindowSystem
[ ScrollWindow WindowID (0,0) "Life"
(ScrollBar (Thumb 0) (Scroll StartCellSize))
(ScrollBar (Thumb 0) (Scroll StartCellSize))
picturedomain (100,100) (RectangleSize picturedomain) UpdateWindow
[ GoAway Quit
, Mouse Able Track
picturedomain = GetPictureDomain StartCellSize
timer = TimerSystem [Timer TimerID Unable 0 (\_ ->Step)]
menus = MenuSystem
[ PullDownMenu FileMenuID "File" Able
[ MenuItem QuitID "Quit" (Key 'Q') Able Quit
, PullDownMenu OptionsMenuID "Options" Able
[ MenuItem EraseID "Erase All Cells" (Key 'E') Able Erase
, SubMenuItem CellSizeID "Cell Size" Able
[ MenuRadioItems Size8ID
[ MenuRadioItem Size1ID "1 * 1" (Key '1') Able (ChangeSize 1)
, MenuRadioItem Size2ID "2 * 2" (Key '2') Able (ChangeSize 2)
, MenuRadioItem Size4ID "4 * 4" (Key '3') Able (ChangeSize 4)
, MenuRadioItem Size8ID "8 * 8" (Key '4') Able (ChangeSize 8)
, MenuRadioItem Size16ID "16*16" (Key '5') Able (ChangeSize 16)
, PullDownMenu CommandsMenuID "Commands" Able
[ MenuItem PlayID "Play" (Key 'P') Able Play
, MenuItem HaltID "Halt" (Key 'H') Unable Halt
, MenuItem StepID "Step" (Key 'S') Able Step
Quit :: State IO -> (State, IO)
Quit state io = (state, QuitIO io)
Play :: State IO -> (State, IO)
Play state io
# io = DisableActiveMouse io
io = DisableMenuItems [PlayID,StepID,EraseID] io
io = EnableMenuItems [HaltID] io
io = EnableTimer TimerID io
= (state, io)
Halt :: State IO -> (State, IO)
Halt state io
# io = EnableActiveMouse io
io = DisableMenuItems [HaltID] io
io = EnableMenuItems [PlayID,StepID,EraseID] io
io = DisableTimer TimerID io
= (state, io)
Step :: State IO -> (State, IO)
Step state=:{gen,size} io
= ({state & gen = next}, DrawInActiveWindow (DrawCells (EraseCell size) died ++ DrawCells (DrawCell size) next) io)
(next,died) = LifeGame gen
Erase :: State IO -> (State, IO)
Erase state=:{size} io
= ({state & gen = MakeGeneration}, DrawInActiveWindow [EraseRectangle (GetPictureDomain size)] io)
ChangeSize :: Int State IO -> (State, IO)
ChangeSize newSize state=:{gen,size=oldSize} io
# state = {state & gen=MakeGeneration,size=newSize}
(((x,y),_),io) = ActiveWindowGetFrame io
(state,io) = ChangeActivePictureDomain (GetPictureDomain newSize) state io
(state,io) = ChangeActiveScrollBar (ChangeHBar (x/oldSize*newSize) newSize) state io
(state,io) = ChangeActiveScrollBar (ChangeVBar (y/oldSize*newSize) newSize) state io
state = {state & gen=gen}
io = DrawInActiveWindow [EraseRectangle (GetPictureDomain newSize):DrawCells (DrawCell newSize) gen] io
= (state,io)
UpdateWindow :: UpdateArea State -> (State,[DrawFunction])
UpdateWindow _ state=:{gen,size} = (state,DrawCells (DrawCell size) gen)
Track :: MouseState State IO -> (State, IO)
Track (_,ButtonUp,_) state io = (state, io)
Track (pos,_,(_,_,command,_)) state=:{gen,size} io
| command
= ({state & gen = RemoveCell cell gen}, DrawInActiveWindow [EraseCell size cell] io)
= ({state & gen = InsertCell cell gen}, DrawInActiveWindow [DrawCell size cell] io)
cell = MakeLifeCell pos size
GetPictureDomain :: CellSize -> PictureDomain
GetPictureDomain size
= ((size*left,size*top),(size*right,size*bottom))
((left,top),(right,bottom)) = Universe
RectangleSize :: Rectangle -> (Int,Int)
RectangleSize ((left,top),(right,bottom)) = (abs (right-left),abs (bottom-top))
// Program constants.
FileMenuID :== 1
QuitID :== 11
OptionsMenuID :== 2
EraseID :== 21
CellSizeID :== 22
Size1ID :== 221
Size2ID :== 222
Size4ID :== 223
Size8ID :== 224
Size16ID :== 225
CommandsMenuID :== 3
PlayID :== 31
HaltID :== 32
StepID :== 33
WindowID :== 1
Universe :== ((-1000,-1000),(1000,1000))
TimerID :== 1
StartCellSize :== 8